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An Underwater City


An Underwater City

Accord to the Global warming sea level were accelerated to rise. This reduces the land area on the earth. Some country is facing submerged crisis what about the people living on the island? That's what we research about for the future.


Our alternative world will be based on Maldives and island country that is currently the most vulnerable to global warming and will be swallowed by the ocean. As a group we want to build an underwater future city that could allow the people of Maldives to live in the place they so called home without fearing for their lives of rising sea level.


The year is 2050 with global warming at its worst point. The Maldives one of the flattest island countries located in the Indian Ocean has been informed by climate scientists that their nation will be submerged by rising sea level very soon. Through the progressing of technology and engineering advancement the people are forced to build “Atlaren” an underwater city to make it more sustainable for living.

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Food supply

Fish farm

It got it's own food produce system. Do you like the fresh seafood? This is an automatic system of growing fishes include  automatic feeding system and growth monitoring. Seat inside the city and you will know what going on there. Wait till it growth and you can have the delicious seafood feast.

Solar power

Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination. Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Photovoltaic cells convert light into an electric current using the photovoltaic effect.


Wanna relax? No worries. The city got a place for entertainment which include amusement park, Movie theater, Bar, Timezone, Paintball, Pool store, escape game etc... All you need all you have.

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Water supply

Desalination Water Station

Desalination is a process that extracts mineral components from saline water. After the water desalination from the ocean it will storage in the water tank and supply the human use.


A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized medical and nursing staff and medical equipment. If anyone needs any medical help it's open for 24 hr

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@Website create by Watson HSU

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